Phát triển ý tưởng cùng ChatGPT

The tides have turned! Now it is ChatGPT that asks you questions.

By Trang Lê in chatGPT tips

July 6, 2023

Viết personal essays là một cơ hội để bạn reflect lại những giá trị mình trân trọng, tìm hiểu chính mình. Ở bài Bí quá thì làm gì, bọn mình đã gợi ý cho bạn những câu hỏi bạn có thể hỏi chính mình để bắt đầu xây dựng ý tưởng cho bài viết. Trong bài này, mình có thể dùng ChatGPT để hỏi những câu hỏi chi tiết hơn và liên quan trực tiếp đến đề bài được đưa ra. Sau đây là ví dụ một input mình đưa vào ChatGPT.

First round

In a minute, I will ask you to help me generate some ideas for my personal statement as part of my application to the University of Washington. The prompt is:
“Our families and communities often define us and our individual worlds. The community might refer to your cultural group, extended family, religious group, neighborhood or school, sports team or club, co-workers, etc. Describe the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, might add to the diversity of the University of Washington.”

Before we begin, I want you to fully understand me as an individual. Ask me at least 20 questions about my life, background, education, hobbies, and anything else you need in order to complete the tasks to the best of your ability.

Second round

Nếu bạn đã đọc bài đầu tiên trong series GPT thì bạn sẽ nhớ là vòng đầu tiên thường sẽ không cho bạn một kết quả tốt. Trong trường hợp này, GPT chắc sẽ hỏi những câu hỏi rất chung chung. Bạn có thể nudge GPT theo một hướng mình muốn, ví dụ:

Make these questions deeper and more specific.

Sau đây là những câu hỏi mà ChatGPT đưa ra. Có thể bạn sẽ không trả lời được hết tất cả những câu hỏi này, có thể bạn sẽ muốn trả lời thêm. Mình khuyên là các bạn cố gắng để dành thời gian ra suy nghĩ, thậm chí còn hỏi ba mẹ, bạn bè nếu cần thiết. Dù gì thì đây cũng là một quá trình tìm hiểu chính bản thân mình mà.

ChatGPT questions

  1. What is your full name, and is there a story behind your name or any cultural significance to it?

  2. In what specific neighborhood or community did you grow up, and what were some defining aspects of that environment?

  3. Can you share some details about your family’s cultural background and the traditions or values that are important to you?

  4. How has growing up with siblings influenced your identity and worldview?

  5. Which high school are you currently attending, and what are some unique characteristics or programs offered there?

  6. In your extracurricular activities, are there any leadership roles you have held or significant projects you have undertaken?

  7. Can you describe a specific community service or volunteer experience that had a meaningful impact on you?

  8. What motivated you to join the clubs or organizations you are currently involved in, and what contributions have you made to them?

  9. Are there any specific talents or skills you have developed over the years that you feel passionate about or proud of?

  10. Within your favorite subjects, are there any particular topics or projects that have sparked your curiosity or made you realize your strengths?

  11. Have there been any notable achievements or milestones in your academic or extracurricular pursuits that you are particularly proud of?

  12. Can you elaborate on any personal challenges or obstacles you have faced, and how they have shaped your character or outlook on life?

  13. Among the social causes or issues you are passionate about, are there any specific experiences or moments that ignited your interest and drove you to take action?

  14. If you have had part-time jobs or work experiences, how have they contributed to your personal growth or influenced your career aspirations?

  15. In addition to your academic pursuits, what hobbies or recreational activities do you enjoy, and how have they influenced your personal development?

  16. If you play musical instruments or engage in performing arts, can you share any memorable experiences or achievements related to these activities?

  17. Are you fluent in any languages other than English, and have you had any experiences that highlight the importance of language and communication in your life?

  18. Have you traveled to different places outside your hometown or country, and how have these experiences broadened your perspective?

  19. Are there any specific family traditions or customs that hold a special place in your heart or have helped shape your identity?

  20. Is there any other aspect of your background, experiences, or aspirations that you would like to share, and how do you see it contributing to the diversity of the University of Washington?

Please provide your responses, and I’ll use this information to generate ideas for your personal statement.